“Future of Gaming" is both a conference stage and a meeting place for industry experts: game creators, publishers, investors, lawyers, associations, politicians and public authorities.

If not, contact Eva de Robertis: [email protected] to purchase a professional access pass.
For 5 days, round tables, interviews and keynotes will take place on the unique Future of Gaming stage, in partnership with CMS Francis Lefebvre, a member of the CMS network, and with the support of the Syndicat national du jeu vidéo.
Industry experts will be there to discuss the major issues surrounding gaming, covering a wide range of topics: technologies, legal and tax aspects, societal and business issues. Together, they will shape the future of video games through fascinating debates.
Each day will be dedicated to a specific theme:
- Wednesday, October 23 - “Current challenges
- Thursday, October 24 - “Investing in video games”.
- Friday, October 25 - “The esport explosion”.
- Saturday, October 26 - “Talent, training and careers”.
- Sunday, October 27 - “Video games and pop culture”.
Specially designed for trade visitors, this new Business VIP area offers the ideal setting for targeted networking, available to the entire Paris Games Week ecosystem, including studios, publishers, institutions, investors and partner brands.
Visitor access: reserved for VIP badge holders, on listing.
Press access: subject to acceptance by our press agency: [email protected]
- Invest in France”, Thursday October 24: a day to accelerate investment in the French video game industry. In partnership with the Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo (SNJV), this event will bring together the best companies in France and French and international investors, and will take place on stage AND in the Business VIP area, with the aim of unlocking private investment in the French video game industry.
Gaming Campus, en tant qu'école d'excellence du secteur du jeu vidéo, est partenaire de l’espace Future of Gaming. Une centaine d'étudiants des écoles du Gaming Campus auront un accès privilégié aux conférences tout au long de la semaine, leur permettant de se plonger dans les nouvelles tendances de l’industrie et d’échanger avec des experts du secteur. Cette collaboration se fait aussi par la conférence sur les métiers du jeu vidéo et les formations d’avenir, qui se tiendra le samedi et qui sera animée par Nicolas Verastegui (Directeur des relations extérieures et internationales des écoles Gaming Campus). Ce moment clé permettra d’éclairer les participants sur les nombreuses opportunités de carrière dans l’univers du jeu vidéo ainsi que sur les compétences et formations nécessaires pour y exceller.