Paris Games Week is a Respect Zone-labeled space, an NGO offering a charter of respect and positive tools for non-violent online and offline communication.
Paris Games Week 2024 code of conduct infographic

Paris Games Week is a space labeled "Respect Zone", an NGO that offers a charter of respect and positive tools for nonviolent communication online and offline. By labeling us Respect Zone, Paris Games Week is part of the work of for digital education, freedom of responsible expression, prevention of cyber violence and child protection. Respect Zone helps us build a world based on responsibility and prevention thanks to its recognizable ethical label. Respect Zone's Internet Respect Charter is available on

In order to allow everyone to spend a day punctuated by the passion of video games, and without worry, here are some rules to respect for the well-being of all and to create together a Respect Zone.

The well-being of everyone depends on responsible behavior and respect. By participating in Paris Games Week, I agree to respect the Charter of Good Conduct:


1# Responsible behavior

2# Respectful communication and behavior

3# Eco-responsible actions


1# The physical integrity of the other

2# The material and property of others

3# Privacy